On Vox: Monday, Monday...

Jun 02, 2008 09:13

Back at it this morning.  Sitting at my laptop with a cup of coffee, going through emails and such.

I had a pretty good weekend.  The wine dinner at Sahib was great, although in general, I think we prefer to choose our own wines.  We met some nice people there, and after dinner, headed over to the Acoustic Coffeehouse with them for a little while (Austin: Didn't get your text until Sunday morning :( ).  We got home really late, much later than I realized, around 2:30 or so.  I know this because I appear to have sent a text message to my friend Steve around 2 am (which would have been on the way home) that I absolutely do not remember.  I think I was sleep-texting.

On the sleep front, I managed to get caught up on some sleep yesterday, I think.  Slept until around 8 am (which still isn't much, considering how late we got in), but I managed to get in some good napping in the afternoon.  It was a pretty lazy day overall.  We just hung out, watched some movies, played a little WoW on the laptops.  Made a pizza for dinner and watched a couple more movies and the most recent episode of This American Life on Showtime.

Now it's Monday, and looks to be a fairly busy day, in part because I've got several errands to run.  Also, it's my mom's birthday tomorrow, and a) I need to find her a present, b) I need to get ahead with work stuff if I can because I'm taking Tuesday off to spend with her.

So I'll leave you with this latest bit of Brightcat cuteness.  This morning, Ben found a perfectly preserved Brightcat print in a bowl that he'd been using to drain the oil of hamburger and such.  We're going to try to preserve it with plaster or something.

Brightcat print
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