Coda to 6x08 sorta

Dec 02, 2010 12:53

Rivisionist History by nutkin , NC-17, Sam/Dean, Word Count: 8,050.
Summary: Takes place after 6x08. Sam and Dean talk about the past.

This is utterly amazing and such a mind fuck. It shows so well what Soulless!Sam is to me. Ruthless and manipulative and sneaky and I could so easily see this happen in canon.

Under Falling Leaves by germanjj , NC-17, Sam/Dean & Jared/Jensen.
Summary: During shooting of the 5th season of Supernatural Jensen starts having Dean's nightmares. It gets increasingly worse until it feels as if his life is being turned upside down. Jared who is worried can only stand back and watch as Jensen's nightmares reveal a secret Jensen never saw coming.

I absolutely loved this and the twist in this took me completely by surprise.

wincest, coda to episodes, 6x08, sam/dean, supernatural, soulless!sam

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