Fri, 19:13: How the fuck does someone get a not-guilty verdict for murder?? Maybe backlash right this horrible wrong!
Fri, 19:15: I had to get off the phones to cry for a while because i keep calling the OT unfair punishment to our existing workforce and they keep "correcting me" by calling it a necessity.
Fri, 20:00: Twitter isn't letting me reply to tweets anymore
Fri, 20:06: By the time i get out of this burnout, my commissioners will be tired of waiting
Fri, 20:28: Concept art job opening! .... I'M NOT THAT GOOD OF AN ARTIST 😭
Fri, 21:32: RT @ Gen_Ironicus: It’s international men’s day, during transgender awareness week, so all trans men receive a stacking double buff and shou…
Fri, 21:37: I never liked or finished the original pokemon diamond/pearl but I'm tempted to make a depression purchase and join along all my friends currently playing it
Fri, 21:46: I hate it so much that Alabama is AL, Arkansas is AR, and Alaska is AK. Always throws me off and end up searching Alaska repair shops for an Arkansas customer! AL should be Alaska AK should be Arkansas AB should be Alabama
Fri, 22:30: Got a sizeable drop in followers this morning before the depression tweets, so I'm guessing they unfollowed me for making scoob tweets. They're all strangers to me anyway, so no huge loss
Sat, 00:44: I wanted to do artist alley at this con for years, but doing it this year would have made me feel like I'm a contributor to the injuries, illness, and suffering caused by all these lines
Sat, 04:25: I need to get back into an obsession where i draw lots of fanart and make shitposts so i have something to think about that’ll cheer myself up. I’m just playing high-energy video games because i can’t think straight enough to be creative.