Sat, 16:44: I should get Luigi’s mansion on the 3DS or LM 3 on the switch, but i should also just finish castlevania aria of sorrow
Sat, 19:47: I'm probably gonna write some Falco and Leon fanfiction while I'm on the airplane
Sat, 20:35: I'm probably gonna leave asap after work and just chill at the airport until my flight. People drive mad fast out here and i want my uber or lift to sloth in rush hour traffic to avoid collisions
Sun, 04:07: Lots of young people at this airport with nerd shirts and electric-colored hair. Is there a con they're traveling to? No, this is standard in Seattle
Sun, 10:12: I forgot the names of four nintendo characters during the flight and didn't purchase any wifi to look it up. I'm pretty sure the monkey character from star fox command isn't "dash the stampede" or "dashcon"