This past summer I was picked to be a part of this teen filmmaking program called Fresh Films.
Fresh Films is a nationwide teen filmmaking competition where thousands of teens all over the country apply and a select group of teens are picked in 6 different cities to compete. In one week teen filmmakers write, direct, produce, cast, shoot, edit, etc. The winner of the competition is determined in an American Idol-style voting where the film with the most votes wins. This year, Fresh Films worked with (judges for our films were Adam McKay and Chris Henchy) and films even star people like Seth Morris ("I Love You Man") and Josh Sussman ("Glee").
Fresh Films LA (which has NEVER won!) created the Airheads Out of Control Comedies movie, "Candied Camera"
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! Vote as many times as you can for Fresh Films LOS ANGELES (:
Go to to check out what Fresh Films has to offer and watch not only "Candied Camera" but the other films as well (even though LA's film is the best!!)
Fresh Films website: To go directly to voting: Fresh Films LA was lucky enough to meet up with YouTube celebrity Shane Dawson...Check out their interview below: To check out Behind the Scenes of Fresh Films and the program we have, you can check out our YouTube Channel: SPECIAL CONTEST for VOTERS! If the Los Angeles team for Fresh Films wins, the person who votes the most will receive a free 8GB 2nd Generation iPod Touch. Free of cost and free shipping. You can vote as many times as you'd like!
For more information, you can follow us on Twitter (
It would honestly mean a lot if you could just give us a tiny shout-out, or just vote yourself! (: