May 29, 2017 09:00

WRITE EVERY DAY IN MAY - DAY TWENTY-NINE: If music be the food of fic…

Check in:
1) Daily check-ins are optional, but for moral support, cheerleading and applause feel free to check in with your words!

2) Do you prefer to have background music or noise, or do you like to write in silence? If you like music, what sort of music? Do you think it influences or helps your writing in anyway?

3) Take a moment to cheer on your fellow Camlades with their awesome word-counts!

4) If you didn't write today, don't worry, you still have the rest of May to go! If you have missed a day or several, you can still come back to us and pick up from here! Don't give up!

5) Artists are more than welcome to join in at this stage, although as matches are not till next month, we do realise that many of you will not yet have ACBB projects to work on and are hoping to do other challenges for you in the future.

writing games, write every day challenge

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