i will never believe in anything again! (letter to m-e)

Dec 20, 2024 01:31

oh flush-cheeked, fragile thing, we all know how i hate you. thumbs spread, you choose to highlight the incisions left from the electrolytes... in there lies selfish affection and self-reflection, enjoy, sit back, relax.
tonight has the flavour of flame wrestling its way into a chest, fuelling something sickly and familiar. how many nocturnal "never again"s have you uttered tracing your arm, leading back to the same rivulet of persistence, rioting quietly in the crevices of heavy limbs and holding together heavier hearts? you're a broken record remonstrance, falling into the same turtleback tantrum again and again but finding new words for it, refreshing, solidifying the surprise of how much hate you store in your heart for someone who finds purpose in giving love to everyone.
that will be it, anyways. forever, in the next hour, another glass eye for the collection.
you are your own muse and it will Kill You.
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