Procrastination. Lovely...

Dec 05, 2010 23:50

Nothing particularly interesting to post about, but I just felt so bad about not posting. ;)

Today's been hectic to say the least. I wanted to get some icons done today (as I've entered so many icontests and icons are due by the end of this month) but it's already 11pm and surprise surprise, I have not even started on one. Ugh, failure... phoenixs_honour may struggle with revising regularly, I stress over my constant need to procrastinate. Or is it want? =_=

Just for kicks (and hopefully to serve as motivation), I'm listing all the icontests I'm participating in this month. So far, I have to make icons of:

  • Jennifer Jareau for thebau20in20 due December 20th
  • Neji and Tenten for otp20in20 due December 30th
  • Various fandoms for a Secret Santa project I'm involved in due December 24th

I hope I can finish on time. People keep telling me, "Just stop procrastinating. It isn't that hard." Argh, I swear I only do this when it comes to graphics. I can't figure out why, seeing as I love my Photoshop. Hmph, I probably am only writing this entry as another means to stall.

whiteb27 posted an interesting question today, which I had fun answering. So, if you're in the mood, how do you procrastinate and what are your ways to overcome them?

In other news, I bathed my cat yesterday. We put her in a basin and washed her outside the house, in the garage. She made so much of noise that my neighbor peeked over the fence and went, "Ooh, a cat." I bet you a hundred she was actually thinking, "What are they doing to her?!"

!real life

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