Since we are just a rough month away from Pacificon 2012 it is now a good time to post the Team Volare' House rules regarding Casa Volare' at the con.
- The only people that can attend the after-party at Casa Volare’ are full Team Volare’ members, honorary members and anyone else cleared by one of us [ECM, El Camino, or Pimpy because we live at Casa Volare’ for the weekend] - no guests or other friends-of-a-friend unless we are asked. While that may seem formal, it’s a simple rule that works. At past cons there have been people in Casa Volare’ that *I* didn’t know or recognize nor did my roommates and it's gotten overcrowded. Space is limited, so entrance to Casa Volare’ needs to be cleared through us. It should never become too noisy or crowded for us to enjoy each others company. Ninety-nine percent of the time we’re very happy to meet and entertain new people but we do require that we be asked.
- The only people that sleep in Casa Volare’ are us [and by “us” I mean me and my con roommates] - if you are fading, passing out, or some combination thereof, then it's time to leave and go to bed. Space is limited, and taking it up by being asleep isn’t going to work. If you’re nodding off and one of us nudges you and tells you to call it a night - then call it a night please.
- Don’t spill your drink - particularly on El Camino’s bed, I only bring this up because it’s happened repeatedly in past cons. If you can’t manage to keep it in your cup, then you need to go lie down in YOUR room, not create big stains in Casa Volare’ because they are no fun to sleep on or step into first thing in the morning.
- Nobody sits on, jumps on, lays on, or otherwise molests the El Camino’s bed unless it’s him; again, I’m happy to share space, but please ASK before taking up any residence in that area (same goes for ECM’s or Pimpy’s bed)
- Any abusive behavior toward La Bonita (the keg) is subject to immediate removal from Casa Volare’, we also reserve the right to make you disappear...forever.
- No shirts with colors that we have to look up to spell; things like charteuse (had to look it up), fuchsia (had to look it up) and their ilk are clear attempts to subvert and harsh our mellow, we are onto them.
- No children; it is not an appropriate environment for the 0 - 18 year old crowd (we are allowing certain individuals that fall into the 18 - 21 year old category on a case-by-case basis.)
- If asked to leave by any member of Team Volare’, comply immediately without question. Failure to do so will result in you being escorted out under our power with a potential lifetime ban from Casa Volare’
So it is written, so it is done....