Feb 25, 2007 21:07
Work is stressing me out. The demands placed on a teacher are enormous. I deal with too many kids that have too many issues and apparently it's my job to turn their lives around. Kids that have failed their whole lives, failed their way into 7th and 8th grade, and I'm expected to lead them to success. I rarely ever know what I'm going to teach the next day, let alone develop new curriculum, work individually with students who are struggling, etc.... I don't have enough time, I don't have enough resources. And the worst part is is that my job, my professionalism, is on the line if I can't do this. And I know I'm not the only teacher going through this but I don't know any other first year teachers who are going through what I'm going through. And I want to go...poke my eyes out so I can take disability.
Don't become a teacher. You get paid peanuts, you get treated like shit by society, and you have responsibilities placed on you that no person should ever have to handle.