Oct 12, 2006 01:30
I don't know what to say really. I've been to tired and too busy to post in this thing lately. It kinda freakin sucks. Thanksgiving was sooooo nice and relaxing but getting back to reality was like a big slap in the face. I did nothing all weekend and as a result, I'm sooo behind in my lesson planning. It's kinda disgusting. I have quizzes to make up, still more marking to do, unit plans to finish, parents to telephone, etc... I hate having these neverending lists that just won't go away. I guess they say your first year is really about survival. I'm barely keeping my head above the water!!
I've also fucked up my back. It hurts to move my right shoulder. Even doing my dishes is a painful experience. Gah. In happier news, I bought myself a nice new mattress (it doesn't get delivered until later) so hopefully my back pains will be less. I also received a perscription for massage therapy because my insurance covers it. I cannot freakin' wait to get that first massage.
My medical life is just peachy. I'm anemic hence why I'm so tired. I've also been suffering from the world's most heinous yeast infection. It fucking hurt to sit for a period there and I could not sleep at one point from all the pain. Thank the lord Jebus for meds. My neck lump, thankfully, is nothing to be worried about.
I blew $70 at old navy recently but for that $ amount I bought 3 pairs of pants (2 dress slacks), 3 collared dress shirts, 2 sweaters, a pair of shorts, and a halter top. I freakin rule. That's like an entire wardrobe. I'm getting expensive.
And I'm decorating my apartment with mirrors and photos from Australia Groovy!
Sorry if you read all that.