Michelle tagged me to do this:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4-7 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
I had four books on my stand. Here they are:
Henry VIII: The King and His Court by Allison Weir
In 1533, Reginald Pole, the King's cousin, declared that Anne Boleyn, in refusing to sleep with Henry, had borne in mind "how soon he was sated with those who had served him as his mistress." The King's physician, Dr. John Camber, described his maser as being "overly fond of women" nad given to "lustful dreams." Even William Thomas, who wrote a laudatory biography of his master around thetime of Henry's death, admitted that "it cannot be denied that he was a very fleshy man [lustful] and no marvel, for albeit his father brought him up in good learning, yet after he fell into all riot and overmuch love of women."
Other People’s Mail (anthology of epistolary fiction)
“I’m surprised they didn’t flat out fire him.” She mainly ranted about how you only write and send money on your boy’s birthday. She’s still pretty pissed off at you, my man. Anyway, she said that your folks might know and she gave me their new address and phone# in Texas.
Q is for Quarry by Sue Grafton
“Rehablitation works. I’m living proof. Went from bad to good and now I’m free as a bird.”
“Not quite. You’re still on parole.”
“You think I don’t know that? All the f***** rules they lay down. Tell you something, they won’t catch me in a violation.”
The Lexicon of Stupidity:
Pfeiffer’s...The Beer with the Silent P.
Radio ad slogan for Pfeiffer’s Brewing Company, which they took from their successful print campaign, (not thinking what it would sound like when said aloud).
Ad for Montauk, Long Island Restaurant.