Jun 21, 2011 16:04
I went back to school on Monday. I am taking a phlebotomy course that meets Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm, for three weeks, and then one full 40 hour week clinical in a hospital or lab. It is enough credits to count as full time. I must admit I am really enjoying the academic part... learning advanced hematology is fascinating! However... while I don't mind blood, Needles still squick me out. We don't start sticking each other until next week and honestly I am not at all looking forward to it. Hopefully it will be like shots.... I will freak out, go all Zen and make it fine.
Plus I have a new baby! I don't sleep normally, I am already exhausted by 5pm most days, and I forget where I put my shoes, my keys, Karena's pacifier and a million other little things... How the heck am I going to manage a full time academic load and learn a whole new skill set (and hopefully become competent)? Looking at the next few weeks from where I am now... it looks like I am defiantly taking on WAAAY more that I can handle. On top of that, is it really the best thing for Kerena or our family? It will make me more marketable in my industry (if I mange to pass) but she is barely 3 months old, and I am her main source of... everything. What if my milk supply goes away and she has to go on formula? Will she feel abandoned? Will she become more closely bonded to my parents (who will be doing child care while I am in school)? Will I miss her so much it is painful? I know many women go back to work and their kids do just fine...
I am no stranger to hard work. I have lived through some really rough times and done some really challenging things. I can do this. It may be a little crazy for choosing to do it, but nonetheless I most certainly am capable. (and really Dorie, It's only 4 weeks, suck it up.)