Remaining coords of 2023

Dec 31, 2023 23:10

Collecting outfits of the past year I hadn't posted, it's a way to reminisce.

JSK - Bodyline; Headdress - Taobao; Blouse - thrifted; everything else offbrand

Wore this in summer for church, then modified it to work in the garden:

Bonnet bought from an Amish store; sandals thrifted

Skirt - Baby the Stars Shine Bright; white cutsew - vintage; black cutsew - thrifted.

Another summer outfit. I became more practiced at doing my hair Gibson-girl style.

JSK - Jewelry & Sunrise; Headbow - Innocent World; veil - vintage; blouse - TJ Maxx; necklace - my grandmother

My grandmother has been clearing out a lot of things this year, and she gave me a lot of jewelry. Almost all what I possess of real gemstones came from her.

JSK - Metamorphose; blouse - offbrand; shoes - vintage; and I think I remember I was wearing a Meta Brick House barrette too, but you can't see it.

Autumn outfit. It was a very gorgeous autumn where I live.

Skirt - Metamorphose; everything else vintage or offbrand.

Another Autumn outfit.

OP and shoes - Bodyline; underskirt - handmade by me; everything else offbrand.

At one point I held an original art sale, gave half to help my sisters' family, and with my remaining half couldn't stop myself going on a little bit of a splurge and getting two Bodyline pieces off Lacemarket (okay, as lolita splurges go that's not much, but I'm a stingy one). This floral sailor OP I absolutely loved, so even though it's intensely summery, I had to wear it when I got it in autumn. The other piece was a bit of a disappointment; I'll have to alter it somehow before I like it enough to wear. Bodyline is always a gamble.

OP - Taobao; shoes - Bodyline; hat - vintage decorated by me; everything else offbrand.

My sister-in-law bought me this OP for my birthday. Also this picture marks that my church renovated their basement, including this fancy bathroom mirror! Haha.

Everything offbrand.

I found this store near my sister's house which collects just-out-of-fashion clothes donated by department stores in the cities and sells them by the bag to support the local food shelf. They had this lovely OP. I also got the shoes at a local thrift store and they are great, real leather with hobnailed heels and toes.

JSK - vintage altered by me; blouse - vintage; headbow - gift from a Lacemarket seller

And finally, this is what I'm wearing today, the Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity, New Year's Eve. God be with us in the new year!

dresses, coord

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