Manos, this is the best present, ever!

Jan 19, 2009 21:36

I told you your age is just OK to be eaten :):)

you should just enjoy

have some plans for the future but try to enjoy as well

there is a lot of time ahead for concerns really

it is good that you have a job now and you can do some things for yourself

don't get stuck in general

with one guy who doesn't know what, when , why

make the best out of life today

don't be silly

or opportunist

but waiting for ever for things that may not come in the end

is a loss of time

that counts even if you are in a job that doesn't satisfy you

if you are following your plan in life things will go just fine regarding career and studies etc

just remember you are human and take some breaks to have some fun

it will make your nerves sustain the stress on the long run believe me

I just say don't get consumed by that

but enjoy

Thank you, man!


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