Jun 30, 2004 23:04
*today was pretty good. so far the summer has been pretty good all in all. sometimes its a little better and sometimes its a little worse. but today it was better.
i think it's because i just had a day completely to myself. i needed it to reflect on what i'm doing. and at the end of the day... i still don't really have a clue. because i care way too much about people that i shouldn't and i'm just being a totally ridiculously stupid girl about everything. it's one of those times that i wish i was a boy because everything seems so much simpler for them. it's probably not. but it seems like it would be.
you know what? i really like playing poker with the guys. like just the guys is fun. i feel special and i probably shouldn't. and now i'm
going to be up until 4 in the morning because i drank so many sodas. i haven't had caffiene in such a long time. i hate you caffiene. you ruin my precious sleep.
on a sadder note, my mom and i finished watching the dvd set of the gilmore girls that i bought her for mothers day. its sad because it was like our thing and the next time we will watch them is when we have our marathon the day before i leave for college. i'm happy about leaving for school, but sad to be leaving my mom. because as much as we get on each others nerves sometimes... she is the greatest. and i'm going to miss watching gilmore girls with her on tuesday nights and telling her all about my days when i get back from class and just a million different things.
so. i guess thats everything for now. or at least everything i'm telling you. (wink, wink)