Sep 02, 2011 18:05
It being That Time Of Year again, I have been dragged screaming from the depths of my comfy chair and forced at knifepoint to suffer sea, sand, Sangria and sun. Yes, here I am, basking under the Majorcan sun. Pity me.
To be more accurate, I am not so much basking as cowering, as my good, traditional Scottish skin doesn't do basking, it does turning lobster-red and falling off, but I am a careful little basker and the entire afternoon I passed on our pleasant roof terrace drinking beer was spent entirely under the shade of the sun brolly, with only the very briefest of hops inside to fetch more refreshing and necessary liquid.
In the immediate aftermath of this salubrious session, I discovered something important. The Majorcan Sun apparently cares nought for Brollies. It sneaks over to the side, bounces itself off the wall opposite and does its stuff regardless, and its Stuff resulted in much lobster-redness of the back and shoulders and much ouchness! Ouch!
But fear not - cloud, silver lining and all that... As we are all aware, gin and tonic fluoresces under ultra-violet light. (always a fun diversion in discotheques and other places of youthful amusement). As it happens, there is enough ultraviolet light bouncing around the Majorcan environment at any time of the day to make one's g&t develop that telltale blueish glow. So you seen, in order to avoid any more sunburn, I have to have a g&t constantly to hand. It's not so much a drink as a health and safety necessity.
Now if you'll excuse me, I feel another bout of responsible behaviour coming on. Pass me that ultra-violet detector, would you...?