What a day...

Jun 28, 2014 17:04

Seriously, It was an amazing day.

I am in Margaret River this weekend and after many long debates I decided to take a surfing and caving tour today. So I emailed the guy while I was in Perth and he got back to me and we set everything up for him to pick me up at my hostel today.

He gets here and I find out that I get a private tour!

Start off with all the usual forms and info, than off we go. Get down to Redgate Beach and get dressed in my wetsuit, walk down to the beach and enjoyed almost 2 hours of private surf lessons! In that time I realised just how out of shape I have let myself become, because wow was I tired. My arms/shoulders are killing me now. BUT I did manage to get myself standing a few times, and even paddled in to a few waves(as opposed to being pushed in by my instructor). I also managed to fall down a tonne! And that was kinda fun too.

After I was throughly exhausted we went back to the van for a 'shower' which pretty much involved having warm water dumped over me as I stripped off the wetsuit, and got changed. Than off for coffee and a wander through an art gallery/shoppe, which was also amazingly cool.

We had a quick lunch chilling on a random turnoff in the midst of one of the coolest forests I have ever seen, and than went for the tour of Lakes Cave. Which was predictably amazing(though exhausting, because STAIRS!).

All in all a wonderfully amazing, and tiring day.
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