Mar 29, 2014 21:41


So. I went to a hockey game tonight. It made me both very happy, and a little sad. The hockey itself wasn't bad persay. Not really amazing, but good grinding hockey. A bit of a blow out as the final was 8-1, but still a decent game.

Walking into the rink was amazing. As crazy as this may sound, it smelt right. And felt right. Up until I realised there was no glass around the rink. That was a little weird. Also the fact that the public skating session ended about 20 minutes before the puck dropped. And NONE of the players were wearing suits as they wandered into the rink, trackies and thongs were the usual choice of attire.

They set up nets around the rink, in place of the glass, but left openings for the players to get in and out of. The 'benches' were actually just benches pulled over next to the boards from the public skating session, and there were no actual penalty boxes. Oh and if a fan needed to use the toilet they had to walk through the player benches. That was fun.

Once the game got started it was good. Nice and tight for the first while, but it was easy to see which was the better team(And who had the better goalie, and by that I mean the goalie who actualy played goal and didn't try an jump into the play at the blue line).

It felt good to be there. Watching the game. But it also made me feel a little sad. Made me miss all the nights I have spent at rinks with friends watching games. Made me miss the fun rivalry that hockey encourages. I think thats what I miss most right now, spending time with people who share my interests, people whom I can discuss hockey with, discuss the shows I love to watch and the books I love to read with.

Ah well. It was a good night all in all. And I look forward to hitting the rink again next week for the preseason final!
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