With sexyinscrubs | It's a twin thing

Oct 23, 2009 23:34

It had been awhile since Cameron had taken it upon himself to get pissed. With the painkillers he was taking, it was advised he shouldn't, so he hadn't. Not even when all the shit with Isabel went down, and that was probably part of the reason he had struggled with it; he had no outlet to purge the stress from his system. It was only when Lachlan ( Read more... )

[rp] sexyinscrubs, [with] sexyinscrubs

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sexyinscrubs October 23 2009, 13:24:27 UTC
Pat had been at appointments all morning at the hospital, first with his doctor and then with physiotherapist. It had been a hard morning, and he hadn't been able to make it through the physio session. Half way through, he had to stop when a wave of nausea engulfed him. It was a good indicator he had pushed himself just that bit too far, though when he actually vomited after being unable to shake the sick feeling despite stopping the activity, he felt a lot better. Aiden was with him the whole time, crouching down beside him and rubbing his back while he was sick, then staying there to make sure he was okay to get back on his feet when the shaky woozy feeling started to pass. Pat was just used to having his husband present for all this now, and it was comforting. He loved being married and most days still couldn't believe he had a husband as wonderful as Aiden was ( ... )


cameronpreston October 23 2009, 13:34:55 UTC
Cameron had always been one to hold his booze well. If it was beer, he usually just generally felt happy, but still could maintain his functioning. His words were a little slurred and his head a little fuzzy, but not enough not to tap directly into his twin. The singing had stopped and after a fumble with the remote to turn the volume of the game down, he took the lighter from Pat's hands, which still had that slight tremble to them from the illness, and lit his own smoke up. "You're sick, buddy. What happened?" he asked. "You're not going to tell me you're going back into hospital, are you?"


sexyinscrubs October 23 2009, 13:44:52 UTC
Pat rested his head back against the sofa and put his feet up on the footrest in front of him. "Overdid it at physio," he admitted. "Threw up and then felt better. Sometimes you just have to push to get back on your feet, other times it sends you back to square one. I'll be okay once I get some more sleep. Aiden's not back at work again until Monday, so staying in bed this weekend is sounding extremely tempting right now."

His eyes were back on his brother. "No," he murmured and then inhaled briefly from the cigarette again. "Did you want me to say yes to give you a reason to stay longer? You don't have to go, Cam. You can stay here as long as you need to... want to. It's been nice to be in the same country for awhile, let alone under the same roof. I've gotten used to having my Part Two back," he told him quietly. For the last few weeks since he got discharged from hospital, he had been dreading every day that Cameron would finally come to him and tell him it was time for him to go home.


cameronpreston October 24 2009, 12:37:50 UTC
Cameron hiccuped and set his beer down so Pat would have his full attention. "You alright now?" he asked with a slight slurr in his words. It ironically made him sound like Pat did when he was ill. He knew Pat actually encountered people in the past who asked him if he was drunk when he was really just sick with an attack. Initially, it had really been had for Pat to swallow that people were judging him, until he just learnt not to give a fuck. "You wanna lie down, buddy? I can move. Might take me a coupla minutes, but I can move. Where's Aiden? Want me to get him?"

"I know. I just... I dunno." The statement was pointless and he lost the rush he had a few moments before of drinking without thinking. Now he had to think again and he didn't want to. He picked up his beer and took a long drink from it. "You got Aiden, and I feel like I'm getting in the way and I'm homesick, Patto. I wanna go home, but I want to take you with me," he admitted, starting to feel depressed.


sexyinscrubs October 24 2009, 14:24:34 UTC
Pat shrugged a little. "Don't know. Still feel a bit off. Maybe I'm coming down with something. I need to sleep, but not yet. I want to talk to you first. Aiden's upstairs, it's fine. You know, you're going to have a doubly worse hangover boozing on the painkillers. Just thought I should warn you." He gestured to his brother with his cigarette. "I'm not letting you get up without help. If you fall over in a drunken mess, for one, I can't pick you up because I don't have the strength, and two, you could fuck your knee up even more. You stay where you are so you don't give me a coronary ( ... )


cameronpreston October 25 2009, 10:21:16 UTC
Cameron sighed roughly and kissed the top of Pat's head affectionately. He welcomed the hug, even if it was probably going to end up making him just as emotional as Pat was. "Aiden just takes care of you so well. I wonder sometimes if you even need me sticking around to stay on your feet. Between Aiden and Lachie and Riley, you're set straight, buddy. Well, not quite straight. That would be some mean feat of them to get you straight," he added with a smirk ( ... )


sexyinscrubs October 25 2009, 11:42:40 UTC
Pat managed to expertly flip his brother off, even around the cigarette set between his fingers before he put it to his lips again. "Would be some mean feat of them to stop me needing my twin, too," he added pointedly. "Since when did everything become about me needing to be taken care of? Are you intentionally trying to make me feel like a weak fuck, darling? Because you're doing a good job. Cammo, I don't need you to take care of me, I just need you. I'm always going to need you. Even if we're just sitting here staring at a wall or having a verbally abusive argument. I still need you ( ... )


cameronpreston October 29 2009, 10:18:09 UTC
Cameron waved his hand. "No. No more fucking arguments. One every ten years is plenty. It's how all this shit started. If I didn't get my dick in a knot about you eloping, I wouldn't have skipped out on Riley and Luke's bachelor party, and I wouldn't have gone to that bar, and then I wouldn't have met Izzy. Then if none of that happened, I probably wouldn't have ended up on the wrong end of a tackle in the game and I wouldn't have fucked my knee. But I did. I did all of that. Now I have to live with it." He rubbed his fingers across his forehead. "Have you got a headache? Because my head is fucking killing me."

He turned his head, resting it against the back of the sofa. "You're cheating yourself out all that too, you know. Aiden wants kids with you, you have the offer of a surrogate on the table and you're being a stubborn arse too. We're the same in more way than we're different, Patto. And don't go fucking telling me it's nothing alike, because it is. You don't want it because you're scared. Well ditt-fucking-o."


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