Oct 18, 2005 13:52
We live in a world where we have learned that humans and other beings are not perfect. That as much as we want to believe that everyone has a little good in him, there is still crime around. This is why we came up with the concept of Justice. In a world of wrongs, we try to balance it out with good.
Justice is often portrayed as the goddess Justitia, a blindfolded woman holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other. Her blindfold is to symbolises equality, justice must be unprejudiced and uncorrupted. In order to bring justice, we must stop to judge people and only look through the eye of justice which seeks out the truth. This is why Justitia carries the Scales of Justice, with them she will find a balance in the truth. Without truth, it is impossible to reach justice. This is why the testimonies brought to our courts must bring us nothing but the truth. Only then can Justitia readily use the Sword of Justice to punish those who did wrong and to cut away all forces that unbalance our world.
There is no day to celebrate justice, instead people who value it make it a part of their lives. Some seek out justice by becoming lawyers or judges, others will try to protect people and join the police force to actively fight crime in the name of their country. Still others will try to help those out and take up a blue suit to bring justice to the streets where the arm of law will not reach, they bring hope where there is none. Or they pick up a sidekick outfit and help out Major K! in his fierce battle. These people who actively choose to celebrate justice on a daily basis are the people who make justice what she is.