I'm making up my own~

Jul 30, 2005 01:03

You know you're from Berkley when...

~you know what the Common is
~you know where all the cops sit
~and when you see him, you know you can speed through the rest of town
~you only went to one school from kindergarten to 8th grade
~you use your high beams driving through town at night
~you know the sidewalks roll up at 8 pm
~you know there are no sidewalks in town
~you have to go to high school in a different town
~you know the bridge is one-way
~you know that there is only one pizza place, two gas stations and two convience stores
~you were excited when Dunkin Donuts was finally built
~you knew everyone is your grade and the two above and two below
~you know what Myrics is
~when giving directions you use open fields as landmarks
~you still drive down dirt roads
~you tell people you're from Taunton or Fall River for them to have a clue
~people continuely make a college assumption when you say "Berkley"
~you know what it's like to have a backyard
~you never lock your doors

okay... so I'm tired and have a headache, that's all I can think of now!
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