Bo/Kenzi - Lets Eat

Jul 18, 2012 17:59

Title: Lets Eat
Author: cameron_sarah
Pairing: Bo/Kenzi
Rating: M/NC-17
Disclaimer: They are most definitely not mine :(
Summary: As usual, Kenzi gets into trouble for touching things she shouldn't.

“Kenzi,” Bo sighed, resting her head on her hand, leaning against the kitchen bench. “Trick told you not to touch anything.”
The black-haired girl didn’t look impressed with her friend. “But it looked so pretty. All shiny and stuff.” Kenzi was shifting uncomfortable by the sofa, trying to stop herself from rocking. “How was I supposed to know there are Fae-ish creatures that spell their things? That they turn them into some freakish uber-aphrodisiac!”

Bo snorted at Kenzi’s apparent discomfort. “You should have thought! We deal with crazy stuff all the time. You’ve got to stop shoving mystery foods in your mouth and touching god knows what.”

Kenzi glared at the brunette, leaning back against the sofa and shivering slightly. Bo simply raised an eyebrow, trying to hide her smile. Kenzi huffed.

“What did Trick say I have to do to get rid of it?” Bo just grinned. “Other than that.” Kenzi grumbled.

Bo shrugged. “Wait it out. He said it should it should only last... a few hours.” Kenzi groaned, but the slight movement that accompanied it made her groan in an entirely differently way. The noise made Bo stand up a little straighter, Succubus instinct kicking in.

“I have to wait? Crap." Kenzi bit at her bottom lip, pressing her thighs together. She dug her fingers into the sofa and tried to decide if it was helping, or just making the situation worse. “Bo.” The word was supposed to come out as a whinge, but it sounded to the both of them more like a plea.

It made Bo knee’s go weak, and she took a step towards the younger girl. Kenzi looked up, eyes somewhat darker than a moment ago. “Bo… Don’t you dare.”

“Kenzi,” Bo purred, “You don’t have to suffer. We can fix this. Let me fix this.” There was a huskiness to her tone and Kenzi let out a breath.

“Bo, we can’t. You’re my friend…”

“Friend’s help each other.” Bo sauntered closer, pinning Kenzi against the sofa. Kenzi trembled, pressing herself back, trying to get away from Bo, in a last ditch effort. Of course, it was futile, since she was almost beyond rational thought herself, and dealing with a sex-hyped Succubus was near impossible.

“Bo..” This time there was no resistance in her voice, and Bo knew she had won. She leaned down, captured Kenzi’s lips with her own and kissing her deeply. Kenzi melted into the taller woman, pressing their bodies together, and Bo wrapped an arm around Kenzi’s waist, pulling her closer.

Bo lips were softer than Kenzi had imagined, and she found herself kissing the brunette back.

A hand snaked down Kenzi’s side, moving to bump her thighs apart. Kenzi let out a groan, allowing Bo to do what she wanted. Bo pulled away slightly, taking with her just a sliver of Kenzi’s energy. She was doing her best not to feed, since she wasn’t used to being with humans. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t give.

She let a pulse of energy travel through her fingers into Kenzi, making the smaller girl gasp with shock. The energy went straight to her core, and she reflexively rocked into Bo.

“Bo..” She breathed. “I didn’t know you could…”

Bo let out a chuckle. “Why would you?” She kissed Kenzi again before she could reply, though Bo doubted that Kenzi was still capable of higher brain functions. She traced her hand lower, running it over the crotch of Kenzi’s pants.

“God.” Kenzi groaned, rocking her hips into the contact. Bo purred into her eat, sending another pulse straight into Kenzi.

“Not quite.” She murmured teasingly, as Kenzi wrapped her arms around Bo, dragging her closer.


Bo complied, and Kenzi’s hips jerked as she came, gasping as she did.

bo/kenzi, fanfiction, lost girl

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