Title: Butterflies and Bassinettes :: Outings (Don't Be Cold)
cameron_sarahPairing: Bridget/Tabrett
Rating: G
Warnings: RPF
Disclaimer: They are most definitely not mine :(
Summary: It's cold out.
Bridget popped Mia’s arm through her little sleeve, doing her best not to let the babies fingers get caught on the way, even though she was wiggling them all over the place. “Come on, baby, work with me.” The brunette murmured, pulling the outfit down over Mia’s tummy. She lifted the baby up onto her shoulder, wrapping her arms around her tightly. “Tab, do you have it?” Bridget called, strolling down the hallway.
There was snow falling outside the window, and while the wood-fire in the livingroom kept the heat at bay inside the house, outside was freezing.
“Why do we live in New Zealand?” Bridget sighed, entering their bedroom, where Tabrett was sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Um, because you love it here? Because it’s beautiful? Our friends are here?” Tabrett stood, lifting up the think baby parker.
“But it’s so cold. And Mia is so little. I feel so bad for her.” Bridget nuzzled their little girl. “She’s so little.”
Tabrett smiled. “That why we got her this. Just think how warm and snuggly she’ll be in this. How cute she’ll be.”
Bridget couldn’t help but grin, helping slip their daughter into the puffy parker. She pulled up the lined hood, tapping Mia on the nose. “Oh she is so cute.”
“Ready to go visiting now?” Tabrett asked, scooping up the baby and handing Bridget her own coat. “Maybe Mia should get the chance to play in her first snow.” She suggested, making Bridget beam as she pulled on the coat.
“Of course!” Bridget checked her phone was in her pocket, as the two headed towards the car.