Title: I'll Hold You Closer, Tiny Dancer
Fandom: Sucker Punch
Pairing: Sweet Pea/Baby Doll
Prompt: #31 Hide
It’s how the world works. Men come in, they take what they want, they leave. Most have a tab, they come in so often. Sweet Pea doesn’t keep track of that. What she keeps track of are the girls. The girls are hers. In some weird way, she knew this job was coming. It was the only other step forward.
She only see’s clients on rare occasions - ones that she chooses, or ones that are important. But she still remembers what it’s like. Sometimes, late at night, she still has nightmares about when she worked the floor, taking men into the upstairs rooms.
Baby Doll sits in the corner, knees up to her chin, arms hugging herself tightly. Her perfectly made-up cheeks are stained with tears, and Sweet Pea crouches in front of her. Fingers curl gently under Baby Doll’s chin, lifting her face up.
“Baby…” Sweet Pea coos softly, making Baby Doll sniff. “You have to go out there tonight. Mr Lambert is here, and you know how much he likes you. He’s already reserved a room for afterwards.”
Baby Doll lets out a sob, and Sweet Pea takes her hands, peeling them off her knees and holding them tightly. “You can do this, Baby Doll. I know you can do it…for me.”
The blonde looks up, a little bit of confidence flicking in her eyes. Sweet Pea leans in, dropping a kiss on Baby Doll’s rose coloured lips. She feels the other girl pressing into her, but she pulls away, focusing on deep green eyes. She guides Baby Doll to her feet, and the other girl follows willingly.
“You know you have to do this. So get it over with. You’ve done this before.”
Baby Doll nods, murmuring quietly. “Yes, Sweet Pea.”
Sweet Pea smiles, leading Baby Doll backstage.
Sweet Pea is already in her bed by the time Baby Doll enters. Sweet Pea hasn’t been sleeping in the dorm with the girls in a while - a perk of her new job. But Baby Doll has never been able to stay away, and Sweet Pea never thought to stop her. Baby Doll is special, there are many clients who request her specifically, and the place wouldn’t pull in as much money without her. It’s why Sweet Pea gives her so much extra attention. It’s what she tells herself, anyways.
Baby Doll stands barefoot on the hardwood floor, shivering in her nightie. “Sweet Pea,” She whispers into the darkness.
Sweet Pea waits a moment, before holding up the covers, inviting Baby Doll in beside her. The blonde scurries across the floor, slipping under the blankets. Baby Doll shivers, and Sweet Pea wraps an arm around her, pulling her close and molding their bodies together.
“That’s my good girl.” Sweet Pea presses a light kiss to the back of Baby Doll’s neck, hand trailing over the other girl’s body, washing away any memory of the touch of clients. Baby Doll whimpers, flexing into Sweet Pea’s fingers, and the older girl hums quietly.
Baby Doll is asleep before it gets any further, and Sweet Pea is not surprised. She remembers what it was like...afterwards. She nestles into Baby Doll’s body, drifting off to sleep with the smell of the blonde surrounding her.