Title: Butterflies and Bassinettes :: Early Mornings
cameron_sarah Pairing: Bridget/Tabrett
Rating: G
Warnings: RPF
Disclaimer: They are most definitely not mine :(
Summary: Quiet mornings are the best part of the day.
Tabrett shivers, moving a step closer to the boiling kettle, flicking it off just before the whistle pierces the cold morning air. She inhales deeply as the water mixes with the coffee. Nursing the hot mugs, she makes her way back to the bedroom, gently pushing the door closed with her foot.
At the sound of the door clicking, Bridget opens her eyes, blinking at the light streaming through the window. A smile breaks on her face as Tabrett hands her a cup of coffee, before the blonde settles back in the bed beside her.
“Has she woken up yet?” Tabrett murmurs, motioning towards the crib in the corner of the room.
Bridget shakes her head, finishing a sip of coffee. “Not yet. Should only be a little bit longer.” Bridget reaches over, giving Tabrett a tug. The other woman glances over, wriggling back to lie against Bridget. Bridget wraps an arm around Tabrett, resting her head cheek on her shoulder and humming happily.
Tabrett relaxes back, enjoying the warmth and the few quiet minutes of peace. Even if it didn’t last long. It was only a moment later Mia’s soft cries broke the silence. Tabrett sits forward, putting her coffee down before making her way over to the crib, scooping up their daughter. She rocks the baby, shhing her before she hands the girl carefully over to Bridget.
Two in two days, even if they are short.