Hello!!! I just wanna to you a great HAPPY HAMERON DAY!!!!
I talked about this
here. Remembering:
The Hameron Day (Feb 14th) started in Brazil, at Orkut´s Hameron Community, and this year it´s the 3rd year we´ll celebrate it!!
Why Feb.14th?
It was Juliana F. idea to commemorate the he DATE without date part, Monster Trucks and Cotton Candy Eps (Sports Medicine - 1x12. Shore& Mankiewicz), that became Hameron symbol.
And it supposedly happened in Feb 2005. So what more romantic day that Valentin´s Day to celebrate our shipper?
What is traditional in Hameron Day?
All people used hameron icon, all fanart´s mandatory: new videos, new fics and new spirit to enjoy Hameron #happyhameronday
“Hameron, you can´t deny it” .. It´s the traditional theme. So, see you Sunday.. Happy Hameron Day!!
Let's celebrate here too!!
And I invite everybody to comemorate in Orkut's Hameron Community!!!
Put in your twitter too and talk to everyone:
#happyhameronday kisses and