Aug 22, 2004 18:17
we have come up with a new little schtick to set us appart from the other contenders lol, not really but we decided each of our song has to have a fictional or true story behind it in the music or lyrics. i will now post a few of the stories behind some of our songs that we are playing right now:
the cameronarmy take over a country, and in turn we gain all power over the state. under our dictatorship we turn the land into a magical place of candy and fairground rides, this is the new society we have created, but through all the happiness civilisation starts to crumble as nobody follows rules or lives by basic human rights. the society destroys itself and we flee from said land.
i (weston) give up on a relationship that is self depricating and destroying my self belief, but i still cant let go and try to win the girl back by setting our town on the flames spread and the hords of people run for their lives. i take shelter in a nearby brooke, i keep myself alive by reciting the words 'i wont let you down'.
il post some more soon.