looking for a lens

Oct 05, 2011 19:23


I have a DSLR Canon 500 body, and until recently I've been using Sigma's 18-50mm F/3.5-5.6 lens as my standard, basic lens. I only had the one since I got my camera less than a year ago, didn't want the kit lens and that one was the best one I could afford for about 200$.

Unfortunately it broke recently, and now that I've been looking to replace it I can't find that lens anywhere, not online not in stores. I'm currently traveling in the US, and won't be going home for another two weeks. Ideally I'd like to order something online during those two weeks so I won't have to pay for shipping to my home country later, but don't know which lens to pick as a replacement for the 18-50.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please?

Thank you!
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