Okay, so it's not a kabillion. Just 121. Well, 108 and 13 fake-Neils.
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Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble I made them because I use Neil Gaiman as a PB but couldn't find enough icons, particularly since the two other (fairly small) sets I'd seen also included somewhat younger Neil and Neil with facial hair, neither of which worked for the character in question. So I thought "Hey, there's lots of pictures of Neil Gaiman on the internet, I can make my own damn icons." And then it got out of control; I didn't set out to make a hundred and twenty-one icons, let me tell you. It was enjoyable, but don't expect me to do this on a regular basis/for anyone else. I'm too lazy.
The majority of the pictures came from the
Fuck Yeah Gaiman Tumblr, and almost all of the rest are from various Flickrs: catstress, Ann Giles, mollydot, bionic_laura, mizkit73, Coraline73, Lvovsky, opacity, Fairytale Vegas, leepus, .guilty, jenni_hill, TV Squad Julia, tageswanderer, and Cinghius. A couple are from @neilhimself's Twitpic, too.
Credit goes to
cameoflage, aka this very journal. It doesn't bother me whether you comment or not (although it would be nice to get comments just so I know people are looking at and using my icons; that would warm my shrivelled little heart), but please credit me. It's the polite thing to do.