Cameo Clarke

Jul 27, 2008 15:27

Player Information
Name: Eve
LJ Username: abominableeve
'Hogwarts is Home' House: Ravenclaw
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): daintytheif (AIM), email:

Character Information
Name: Cameo Clarke
LJ Username: CameoClarke
House: Slytherin
Age/Year: 16/ sixth year
Birthdate: August 28th

Bloodline: Muggleborn
Heritage: 3/4ths British, 1/4th Irish
Personal History:
Edalene Hook was well known by twenty as having starred in quite a few B-list films. She was considered an upcoming star, beautiful and flirtatious, but forgotten after she married the wealthy businessman Justin Clarke to become a “homemaker.” By “homemaker,” it soon became clear that she meant “trophy wife.” Justin Clarke had made quite a name for himself in the muggle world, as well. He was a rags to riches story, born the son of a poor plumber, he grew to be the owner of a top-notch golf gear company. A year after their marriage, Cameo was born, an only child. As a mother, Edalene believed her sole goal to make Cameo into a lady, preferably an actress as well. She attempted to interest her daughter in etiquette, fashion, acting, and gardening. When she enrolled Cameo in ballet classes at four years old, she finally succeeded to capture an interest. Cameo loved dancing, the control she could exhibit over her body movements, and the challenge it provided. For her mother, it provided a means to get Cameo back inside from playing in the trees.

She was barely eleven when entering Hogwarts, and was one of the only students not to appear nervous before putting on the Sorting Hat. It debated for awhile before finally placing her in Slytherin. Her first few years at Hogwarts were quiet. Considering she was always well-dressed and behaved, the other students hardly gave a thought as to her heritage, and she never partook in conversation where it could have came up. It was third year before anyone realized she was muggleborn, and after a few taunts with no reaction, the other students forgot to care.

Cameo quit dance classes when she was thirteen, but continued dancing on her own. She knows how to operate cameras, with the help of her former-actress mother, and often videotapes her dances as a football player videotapes their practices- to look for weaknesses and flaws. Another girl that quit ballet at the same time, Sandra- an animal rights activist muggle, became Cameo’s best, and only, female friend. Cameo also cares tremendously for her pet laboratory rat she came across on an excursion with Sandra, named Garrett.

At school she focuses mainly on her classes. She likes astronomy the most and dreams of a career traveling amongst the stars and planets. Her least favorite class is potions, and therefore she struggled with it the most.

Cameo comes across as confident, cold, and somewhat condescending to other students. She has come across few people that care for her, and has rarely cared for anyone else. Cameo wants immediate reactions when it comes to research and items (expecting to find/ get them easily), but dislikes when anyone- even herself- acquires skills without effort. She works diligently for good grades and to maintain her athletic build. This side of her personality came from her learning at an early age that she could easily get whatever material possession she desired, but she craved a challenge instead- so she challenged herself to be the best she can, despite whatever difficulties she might face.

Cameo doesn’t mean to come across as cold or condescending, but of all the lessons she was taught by her mother or tutors- she was never taught how to react to kindness. She knows only how to say politely “thank you,” but even then, her rarely used voice has a tendency to sound quiet and dishonest. Her voice is most frequently used in classes, asking questions on topic- rarely anything unrelated, and not much more frequently than the average good student. She is usually only condescending in regards to those who think they should be respected for doing nothing, or towards those who dream big but are afraid to follow those dreams. She is proud, she knows she is strong and driven, and likes that about herself. She focuses only on what she likes in herself, and is not any further introspective.

The only being she coddles is Garrett. Even as a Slytherin girl, she finds herself paying the most attention to Hufflepuff, and on occasion Gryffindor, boys during classes. She is confused by their generous actions, and by when they stand up for another student. She is confused even more by how they make her feel, soft and lovely (from afar) in contrast to the firm personality she portrays- and believes is her entirety. She daydreams about being that girl a boy stands up for, but no one ever appears to hurt her- so no one ever has stood up for her, either.

She would be an extremely loyal friend and lover, and part of her wants someone to teach her how to be that- and be that for her. She finds this a shortcoming in herself that she cannot improve, and suppresses it. To the only friend she has, Sandra, she is kind, generous, but also a bit too honest of her opinion- mostly because she rarely shares opinions with anyone. Only facts, which is how she shows her opinions. One can assume, after she gets past the quiet, awkward beginning- she would be the same with future friends. She might not trust a person right away, either, especially if the individual comes off strong- but if they start a conversation, calmly, she will be mostly surprised, but also kind and interested.

Physical Description: (include hair color, eye color, height, weight, and build at the VERY least)

As a child, Cameo had the less than flattering appearance of an infant bird. She was extremely thin from both a high childhood metabolism and a high energy level. Her head appeared too big for her body atop too long of a neck, her eyes slightly too long for her face. Her skin was pale, and lightly freckled, her hair nearly white, bleached from the sun. She looked like this until most of the way into fourth year, when she finally began to grow into herself.

She retained many of these qualities, especially by way of coloring- though her freckles all but faded away. However, age gave her height the nearing the size of her ego- she is 5 ft 6 now, but will grow to 5 ft 8. She has few curves, and still comes off as skinny (around 135 lbs)- but if you look at her now “curvaceous” mother, you can tell this is more a physical representation of the work she puts in for her dancing than a shape naturally bestowed upon her. She looks hard and angular, but moves gracefully, with purpose. Her face has grown into itself, and the head, finally proportional, reflects mostly her mother. She has almond shaped eyes, irises dark blue rimmed and innerly a lighter blue. She has her father’s straight nose that is a tad too long, and her mother’s trademark lips.

Her hair is uneven, as she cuts it herself. It was long until she first cut a chunk off with a bread knife at a dinner party when annoyed with her mother’s statement of how her long hair revealed her attempt at “femininity.” She dresses in simple, well-made clothing usually in dark colors to contrast her pale skin and hair.

Preferred Body Model: Fanni Bostrom
Future Body Model: Same

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

The grain of the dark wooden library table was being traced by Cameo’s eyes, in her pursuit to both lead them back towards the essay she meant to be writing and to ignore the screeching laughter of the girls’ a few feet away. It was unusual for her to procrastinate in her studies, since the Slytherin knew that top grades were necessary for the career she had chosen to follow and without working hard she would never get them. Potions, however, was her least favorite subject. To make matters worse, it was on the importance of rat spleens in Shrinking Potions. She could think of few reasons a rat need be killed in order to shrink something.

At the thought of rats, she grinned slightly, and reached beneath her chair to place her hand on top of her canvas bag. Her mouth twitched as her palm was tickled by four tiny feet- those of her pet rat Garrett. She lifted him above her lap and towards the table.

He would scamper along the table, and she would shove her chair back and stomp along side of him. The cluster of girls would jump at the sight of him. Perhaps scream a little. Cameo would clear her throat, and in a strong voice say, “Excuse me, but haven’t you noticed that even though you follow that boy every day, he never even scrapes a half-second glance towards a single one of you? Maybe if the banshee whimpering you call giggling would stop, you would not only be able hear the echoing silence of your empty skull but also allow me to finish my studies in peace.”

But her fingertips never reached the top of the table. They settled back to her lap. Garrett nuzzled to sleep in her open palm. She sighed. The words would never have come out right, anyway. She realized that one of the girls, the one with dimples, was getting a better score than her in Potions and that was how she spent her free time. Annoyed, Cameo sighed and went back to her essay. She needed to do well on this to pass the class with an ‘Acceptable.’

Likes - at least 15: brisk temperatures, warm drinks (coffees, teas, cocoa, etc), dancing modern ballet, astronomy classes, Hufflepuff boys, star gazing, self-improvement, humming, respect, Garrett, chocolate, blankets, hanging upside down from trees, raspberries, whispering voices, listening to ukuleles
Dislikes - at least 15: summer, animal testing, red meat, failing, laziness, high-pitched laughing, floo powder, flip flops, boredom, being doubted, greasy foods, young children, unnecessary accessories, caterpillars and butterflies, loud voices, gossip
Pet/Pet Name: a rescued white laboratory rat named Garrett
Broom: Nimbus 1001
Wand: Vine wood, 10 1/4”, flexible, dragon heartstring

If your character is a student and they haven't taken either the OWLs or NEWTs yet, please just put their average grade. If your student hasn't taken a class listed, just put NA

OWL scores:
Transfiguration - E
Herbology - A
History of Magic - E
Charms - O
Astronomy - O
Potions - A
Muggle Studies - NA
Divination - NA
Care of Magical Creatures - E
Ancient Runes - E
Arithmancy - E
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E

If the character is a student, he/she must have a class timetable. You need not list the days and times for these classes, but we do need to know which classes your character takes. More information on this is located in the userinfo above the application.

List of classes for current year:
Ancient Runes
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

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