In order to grow as an artist, I have decided to follow a personal manifesto I have come up with. " A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions" And in this case it is a manifesto for myself as an artist, made for myself but maybe able to inspire others - alas, I share it here.
An example of the most amazing manifesto I have come across is
The Incomplete Manifesto for growth. A manifesto is alive and changes with you, so once in a while I might add/change something.
This livejournal, or at least my deviantart, will carry evidence of this by actually having updates regularly.
My manifesto is still raw, but it is me, and something I will implement in my daily life.
I also have symbolic drawings that goes with each logo, but those will follow this weekend when I have edited the raw sketches in the lovely Adobe illustrator Cs4 (*hugs pen tool.) One unedited version is in my avatar.
Without further ado:
My Manifesto:
1- When inspired, produce, Catch The Moment.
You might recognize the itchy feeling of having an idea in the middle of doing something not even remotely creative. These moments when you feel like you just have to produce, or is tremendously able to produce, something great (- could be a painting, design, structure of words, a cake, anything) should be treasured and USED. If possible, it is in these moments you should drop whatever you have your hands on, and catch the moment. These true peak inspiration flows are rare for most people (but usually grow more frequent in perticularly creative periods, see point 4.) Do not waste them.
Illustration: A hand catching the moment, the moment is something intangible that can only be felt not seen -Like the wind, but inside you.
2- Exploit boredom as a stepping stone.
BOREDOM can be a source of wonderfully non critical springs of creativity which can result in new ways of thinking. Beware that you don't get stuck with doing nothing while being bored, and be aware that this is a unique time when you actually can allow your mind to drift. Savor this free time, use it! The new saying goes that 'stupid people don't get bored, intelligent people do!'.
Illustration: In the illustration you see a circle of boredom broken free and turning into a spring. The colour of the spring is gold and vibrant.
3- Accept the imperfect as what it is, and keep in mind that you keep growing.
I am a perfectionist at heart, but I won’t let my high expectations of myself get in the way.
I need an outlet where I can let everything artistic out, both good and bad. I hereby promise to do so, to post thing I don't find I did to the best of my ability and still learn from comments, and accept it as a step to becoming better.
I often lose interest in something as soon as I get caught up in a other momentarily more interesting things, therefore I will strive to complete the projects and ideas that I really set my mind too, while also accepting that sometimes an idea is just an idea and don't necessarily have to be 'completed'.
I will accept myself as an ever growing person, and I will not criticize or put myself down. Being a perfectionist and always unsatisfied will not enhance the growing process, therefore I hereby promise to abide to this rule as best of my capability. I will not be afraid of not being good enough, because 'good enough' for who? Myself, that's who.
Never back, Always forward.
Illustration: The illustration is very classical for growth, showing a yet unopened flower bud that has potential to become anything if it just lets itself grow with its needed nutrition: sun and water.
My sun and water is encouragement (*hint hint* if people actually read my blog, please comment!) - Being able to eventually see my development more clearly will encourage me as well.
4- Indulge in your creativity.
Set time aside for your creativity. Even when you are stuck, setting time just for your mind to flow will help make it easier for you to catch that moment of inspiration when you need it. Getting ideas quickly and being more in touch with yourself creatively is something that you can force yourself to learn to a certain extent, by just doing.
Illustration: I have chosen to illustrate creativity as a pair of brushes and a pencil, this refers to both painting/drawing and writing. These are on top of a hourglass to illustrate time. The piano refers of course to music, these are all creaticity that I will pursue.
5- Inspire, Share Inspiration.
I have often come across things that have inspired me, either to be more ‘alive’ think about my life, to create art, or simple grow as a person in some way ot another, feeling more filled somehow and more whole than before. The inspiration can be anything really, I find mine online as well as IRL. I will work to be an inspiration, to inspire the world around me and let myself be inspired, and each moment I actually inspire a person will be make me very happy.
Illustration: I have focused on the feeling the inspiration gives me from discovering these little golden things that inspire me, and how I feel myself when I ‘receive’ this inspiration. Therefore… a sun.