We hope everybody had an enjoyable summer. We have certainly been busy with shows and new stuff. We are now conducting business as "Kirsten Vaughan Designs", but may still use the Camelot Treasures name at various shows and functions. Our focus is mostly costuming - medieval, fantasy, renaissance, steam-punk, etc. We'll still be hosting birthdays, doing music, and historical educational programs. The web page will reflect all this soon.
COSTUME COMMISSIONS - Kirsten has been taking lots of orders lately. If you are looking for custom costuming of any kind - cloaks, wizard robes, medieval dresses and tunics, etc please contact her directly at aenor@ipass.net. Halloween and the Carolina Renaissance Festival are not far away.
NEW EFENWEALT CD - Scott has a new CD out under his Efenwealt Wystle name. This one is a collection of medieval songs from around the year 1200 - many with wonderful, singable translations in modern english. Scott performs on recorders, krumhorns, guitar, and harp, with additional vocals by Kirsten. The CD is available from us, or at
http://kunaki.com/msales.asp?PublisherId=119150 (at the bottom of the page)
Downloads and listening samples at
http://www.soundclick.com/efenwealtwystle PAY-IT-FORWARD GALA- Sat 7pm Sep 12 North Hills, Raleigh- This party is an annual fundraiser for the Caring Commuinty Foundation - a local non-profit group that provides financial support to cancer patients in need. Since 2001, they have helped hundreds of cancer patients pay phone bills, rent, childcare, and other life expenses that have been a hardship to face.
http://caringcommunityfoundation.org/events TALAN LARP- The next game of this Live Action Role-Play is this weekend (Sep 11-13) at Umstead Park. Scott plans to be there causing mayhem and hopefully a bit of stuff to sell.
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/event.php?eid=70013964956 or
http://www.talanlarp.net IRISH CELTIC MUSIC FEST - This Sunday (Sep 13) Hosted by the Ancient Order of Hibernians at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Raleigh. Come listen to some great music like our friends the Irish Wolfhounds! We'll be there with CDs, jewelry and other stuff to sell. More info at
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=112680902523 or their website:
http://www.wakeaoh.com/ HOBBIT MEALS - Sep 14 is the the shared birthday of Bilbo & Frodo Baggins. People all over are getting together with friends to share a meal, exchange mathoms and collect canned goods for local food banks. Your local soup kitchen, shelter, or food bank would probably be happy to accept anything you collect (
http://www.foodbankcenc.org ) In fact there's a food drive at Pagan Pride Day Sep 19&20 (see below).
INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY - Sept 19. Yarrgh me hearties. Why not have a party?
http://www.talklikeapirate.com/piratehome.html CENTRAL NC PAGAN PRIDE DAY - Sep 19&20 - We'll have our merchant booth set up AND we'll be performing on Sunday at 1:45pm as the Blibbering Humdingers! If you have any interest at all in alternative spirituality, or just hanging out for a weekend with some really cool people, come on out for a great, family-friendly festival.
http://www.cncppd.org/ MORE WIZARD ROCK - Oct 5, 6:30pm at our house - The Whomping Willows, Justin Finch-Fletchly & the Sugar Quills, and us The Blibbering Humdingers. Please RSVP via email or Facebook:
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=246231835371 HEATHER DALE IN CONCERT - Oct 11 4:30pm in Kernersville, NC. Our friend's Heather and Ben are amazingly talented musicians from Toronto, Ontario. Heather's music is often compared to Loreena McKennit, Sarah McLaughlin, Enya and other celtic folk artists. She draws inspiration from Arthurian, celtic, and british myth & legend. Listen to her music at
http://www.heatherdale.com. More about the concert at:
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131394912718 Oct 17 - Zombie walk in Greensboro:
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=127462236376 Oct 29 - Eccentrik Festival in Chapel Hill - goths, steampunk and other "underground" types - music, art and more.