Manga and Naruto Movie Rant~

Apr 25, 2009 16:22

 So I read Naruto [Masashi Kishimoto], D. Grayman [Katsura Hoshino], and Shirogane no Karasu [Akimine Kamijyo]. After that, I watched the fifth Naruto movie: Kizuna with my younger sister. Note that some of the scenes have been edited to fit my yaoi fantasies.

Naruto 445: Well, this chapter was really good and very... interesting? I am also very curious about how the war started between Konoha and Ame. The meeting of Konan, Yahito(..?), and Nagato (and "his" dog, Tiny) was also very cute. Then bonds were formed between these three young orphans and then... dun, dun, dun! The battle between Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru vs. Ame's leader! Le gasp! What happens in the rest of Nagato's story? And why does he look so much freakier compared to Konan? ( O . o )

Naruto - Kizuna: When I watched this movie, I saw a quarter of it in subs, and the rest of it raw out of my peripheral vision half the time. I think this movie was based after Gundams, Laputa, and Dragon Ball Z, which will be explained during my rant. So, the movie began with Sasuke half naked, taking a shower and then sending a chidori down the river, then Konoha gets bombed (WTF? Modernized buildings? Stone bridge?) by ninja flying via yellow glider thingies which came from a ship. The launching, was like a Gundam's (that's where the Gundam thing came from). Then Sasuke gets called into Orochimaru's bedroom (automatic doors! ( ' o ' )) so Orochimaru can order Sasuke to get this one dude's regeneration? Immortalization? justu thingy, and a threesome with Kabuto (who was alone in the room with Orochimaru doing who knows what, winkwink).

So the scene switches back to Naruto, after meeting an old doctor dude and his apprentice, and goes on a mission with Sakura and Hinata to the Sky village... or something like that. Later we find out that the doctor's (Shinnou) apprentice (Amaru) is actually a female. Naruto animators: Pro-crossdressing. As we continue along the storyline, Sai distracts the fleets of flying gundam peoples and takes them all down (best Sai moment in the whole movie, but damn he has low self-confidence) which was totally amazing.

So the scene switches back to Naruto and co., they reach the city, and Shinnou dies saving Amaru from a barrage of kunais. Then there was a lot of angsting, they travel to the ruins, Hinata goes missing for the rest of the movie, the scene switches to Sai who defeats one last dude before Shikamaru pwns the last guy. Flying-In-Front-of-the-Sun + Shikamaru = pwnage. After that, Naruto, Sakura, and Amaru reaches the ruins, but the holy clichéness has gotten to the animators and had to make Amaru be a host-ish thing for this monstery thing. So then Naruto fights it, Sakura gets knocked out for the whole battle, and SHLABAM! Sasuke randomly appears! And then they defeat the monstery thing, Laputa comes out of the ground and Naruto (plus Amaru and Sasuke) and Sakura gets separated and adventure ensues.

So Laputa goes on flying, Naruto and Amaru finds Shinnou's-not-really-dead-body (Sasuke... went somewhere, I don't remember too well) and they talk... about stuff, "yami no chakara", power, and then the fighting begins. So, the fight starts out that Naruto's getting his butt kicked majorly, but then after a couple rasengans (Naruto can't make his own rasengan yet, geez! Why'd they even draw him doing that? ( ` Д ´ )) he was winning, BUT THEN, Shinnou goes all Goku like, grows hair like no tomorrow and becomes uber strong! Le gasp! ( っ' o ' )

Yeah, so the fight continues, Shinnou then goes bald and suddenly turns anorexic, laughs maniacally, and BLAM he disappears and Naruto and Sasuke was forced to find the dude, and they do. Then the fight continues, but they had much difficulties, they talked (ish), Naruto and Sasuke's head gets banged together a second accidental kiss, and more stuff I can't remember~

Then the scene switches to Amaru, who finds Hinata kept prisoner with a lot of other people with her. They were all having the chakra sucked out of them and transferred to Reibi. She frees them after a while (shoulda left Hinata behind to die ( ­¬ 3¬)), Sasuke sliced the giant machine thingy supporting Laputa in half and Naruto's rasengan this time gets fused with Kyuubi's chakra, and they win. But then, the place started collapsing, and they had to leave. When Naruto was left behind, Sasuke looked back, a tear falling from the corner of his eye. When it rolled off his face, he turned and left.

Now I'm going to skip a few inbetween scenes 'cause I didn't see 'em, and we reach the part when everyone are on a giant yellow flying boat and Naruto and Sasuke were exchanging their final words (sorta like Rose and Jack in Titanic). Naruto thanked Sasuke, and when he cut the thingy Sasuke was standing on, and the words he then said was: "I love you Sasuke...".


Laputa eplodes, and the two unrequited lovers were separated. After the endning credits, Sasuke returned to Orochimaru's room (I swear he was in a different outfit, maybe he and Kabuto finished their "business"? ( ` ­▽ ' )), tossed him the scroll, and then Orochimaru asked Sasuke for another round ( o . o ). But Sasuke, who remembered Naruto's confession d'amour left without saying a word and once again returned to the waterfall... river thing.

What he did was cool yet cheap at the same time. More cheap than cool. Cool cause the chidori turned to kanji, cheap cause it did. It should've been something else... like: "I love you more Naruto."

Shirogane no Karasu 25
: Unexpectedly, it was the last chapter. The manga was okay, a 3/5 I guess. As much as I love having the main character live with a goal in mind, it kinda gets boring after a while. What'shisface was always saying he'll steal the pieces of the stone, and all (pretty much every chapter), What'sherface gets on my nerves with her personality and in the last chapter about the kissing thing, the Demon Lord(ess) is simply amazing (and a masochist) "Ooh~ Blame me more...", and the Red theif dude's assistant/right hand man is amazing too~

Now that I think about it, they weren't much of thieves. ( . _ . )

Now we move on to D. Grayman [Hoshino Katsura] Rust Blaster [Toboso Yana] and Cross [Ooga Asagi].

D. Grayman 186: Hmm, gotta say, the art's very different from the other chapters. It's much more bold... and a bit cartoon-y in a way..... Now I'm curious about what happened to Kanda nine years ago (he was brought up in China too? ( O . O ))... was he kinda fused with a little bit of Akuma, or the Lotus Seal has Akuma (DNA? Blood?) in it...  What's a second class exorcist anyways?... ( . _ . ) Aside from all the questions I have, it's still an amazing(ly funny) chapter.

And now the series is on hiatus again... after a few months of Hoshino-sensei taking a sick leave........ ( = . = )

Rust Blaster: [From Vampire Knights: In the Vampire Mercenary Specialized School, "1000 Years Academy," the most unvampire-like vampire at the academy, Aldred, and the human transfer student, Kei, meet by chance. But what they didn't know was that it was a fate the world depended on] - Manga Fox.

So I have one question: Where's the yaoi!? ( TT ­Д TT ) I really like this manga, very cute, and very sad at the same time. Kei = uke-but-I-won't-mind-if-he-was-seme-for-majority-of-the-time. In a way, Kei's kinda like Kanda.... experimented by priests, only has a certain amount of time to live, kinda detached from the world.... I want to read Rust Blaster doujin now ( ; ~ ; )~ ...But is there any is the question ( - 3 - ).

K: "Can you do it more gently this time, it was painful last time you did it." ( ­¬\\\­¬ )
A: ( O . O )

Cross: [Two who have lost their partners in crimefighting take two very different paths and meet up by chance.] - Manga Fox.

Haha, I just adore this manga. It's too cute, funny, totally implies RenoxArata, and reminds me a lot of Naruto and Sasuke's [Naruto] relationship and Chika and Shito's [Zombie Loan]. I also really like Ooga-sensei's style of art~ ( ­· ω · )

yaoi, doujinshi

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