Oct 01, 2010 01:29
Hi guys! October just hit for me, so there are officially two weeks left before fics are due!
How's it going? Everyone clacking away at their keyboards like crazy? I hope everyone's just dandy and has lots of plot bunnies bouncing around. Does anyone need to drop out, or feel like they will need an extension? Or even, do you just need a nudge in the right direction, maybe need to ask about some details to clarify or want to talk over their half-formed idea? Just give me a poke (email or PM). :D I don't bite (unless you ask nicely). In any case, I guess I will be the first to say that I haven't written a word yet! WHOO. \o/ I really shouldn't be so happy about that, right? Well, it will be done, I promise! *fistpump* Keep it up, and again, please do keep me in the loop!
mod post