Rush In My Veins (Every Bit As Much Yours Remix) for
moonflower999(Merlin/Arthur - Gen - 1157w)
Summary: It is a morning like any other, until it isn't.
Gladiators/Spartacus (the ‘Let us entertain you!’ remix) for Dylan_M
(Gwaine/Percival - Gen - 2351w)
Summary: Percival and Gwaine had been forced to fight each other for entertainment. Now, Percival was being ordered to take his opponent’s life.
Sun and Snow for merthurmagic025
(Merlin/Arthur - Gen - Art)
Summary: “Merlin! Your hands are freezing, what were you thinking?”
I will show you how to dance (remix of Stelle's Mercelot Cinderella AU art) for Stelle
(Lancelot/Merlin - Teen and Up - 1055w)
Summary: For a few weeks now, Merlin had been attracted to a human home. At first, he had strayed in this direction accidentally, following the wind and sounds, only coming close to the property. Then, he had realised to whom this house had once belonged to.
A Cinderella AU, based on Stelle's art for the Camelot Remix 2024!
Breaching the Walls (The Tower Remix) for
schweet_heart(Merlin/Arthur - Teen and Up - 3884w)
Summary: Uther has a decision to make - what does he do about Merlin?
Tattered and Torn and Born To Be for
lavender_spice(Gwen/Morgana - Explicit - 2350w)
Summary: Gwen awaits Morgana's return from a dangerous mission.