Title: This Song and Dance (The 'Balancing Act' Remix)
Creator: ???
Work Type: Fic
Work URL:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/56522377Remixee Name: Polomonkey
Link to Work Remixed:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11383017Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Length: 1200 words
Rating: Teen+
Warnings: None
Notes: Dear Polo, this particular fic of yours just hit a note for me, and I hope that this little sequel manages to catch a bit of the same atmosphere! I hope you like it <3
Many many thanks as always to S. for the beta, to E. for their endless
encouragement, and to the mods for running this! I had a blast <3
Summary: The thing is, Merlin has been thinking about it. About Arthur and the grief that he wears like penance, how he fits so easily into the spot beside Merlin. How he always has, and how, for all his talk about
leaving, he does not seem to be in a hurry.
Between circus shows and late nights, Merlin and Arthur figure
themselves out, one step at a time.