Title: Tell Me What You Really Think (The Gratitude Remix)
Creator: ???
Work Type: Fic
Work URL:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48336307Remixee Name: GeekLover
Link to Work Remixed:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17181965Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Length: 1983w
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: Dear Geeklover,
What fun I had reading through so many of your stories! When I read Gratitude, I kept wondering what Arthur was thinking during the story....So here's my take on what was going through Arthur's head. I've often wondered at the many scenes where Arthur is kind of a jerk to Merlin. As you'll see, I have my theories.
I was also really excited to write this for you because I loved the remix you did for me! I hope you enjoy this at least half as much.
<3 Anon
Thank you dear Mods for hosting another wonderful fest. I love Camelot Remix, and am so grateful for the opportunity to participate. It's quite a labor of love to help keep this lovely part of fandom going and I truly appreciate it!
Summary: Uther assigns Merlin to Arthur as his new manservant. The problem is that no one knows that Arthur is attracted to men, and Merlin is exactly his type. The prince has to find a way to get rid of Merlin as quickly as possible, as Uther will not budge.