FIC: Any Place is Better (The Save Me Remix)

Jul 06, 2022 16:47

Title: Any Place is Better (The Save Me Remix)
Creator: ???
Work Type: Fic
Work URL:
Remixee Name: queerofthedagger
Link to Work Remixed:
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Length: ~4.6k
Rating: E
Warnings: Dangerous driving, parental emotional abuse, recreational drug use
Notes: queerofthedagger, I was faced with an embarrassment of riches reading your fics and this one stuck a burr in me, you said so much in so few words. I tried to be faithful to the original whilst expanding on it but I'm afraid I couldn't fit Merlin's magic in, I hope you like it anyway ❤️
Summary:Arthur lives for those nights. He’s hot in his own skin most of the time, desperate for escape, desperate for something beyond the path Uther’s chosen for him. He only calms when Merlin’s beside him, when he puts the pedal to the floor and makes them fly through the blackened streets.

Arthur wants to escape, but not without Merlin by his side.

rating: nc-17, type: fic, 2022, pairing: arthur/merlin

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