Title: Romance, Romania, and Relocation (the Dating, Dragons, and Disaster Remix)
Creator: ???
Work Type: Fic
Work URL:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39120177Remixee Name: fifty_fifty
Link to Work Remixed:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22235281Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Length: 3,800
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: None
Notes: Dear Fifty, it was an absolute joy to remix your fic!! I know you said that you'd prefer a mature+ rating, but somehow it didn't want to go that way - I hope you still enjoy this little sequel of their adventures!
Arthur thinks of how Merlin has always been too selfless for his own good, and the tabs in his browser that catalogue the history of a dream he has never once told Arthur about, but that Arthur knows the shape of, all the same.
It isn't possible to raise a dragon in London, once it is past a certain size. Arthur and Merlin struggle to separate from Aithusa after the first year, though, no matter how much they both know that it's for the best.
Sometimes, unconventional problems require unconventional solutions, and Arthur thinks Romania is rather beautiful, really.