Title: Oops I did it again! The Two Huskies Remix
Creator: ???
Work Type: Fic
Work URL:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39029538Remixee Name:
LFB72Link to Work Remixed:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6176548Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, side Gwen/Lancelot
Length: 18,000
Rating: Teen and up (for swearing and mention of sexual desire)
Warnings: Mentions of: hearing loss, canon-era-typical obstetric problems
Inspired by the gorgeous “Oops!” by the amazing LFB72 - honestly, I could happily spend the rest of my life writing fics inspired by LFB’s quirky, witty, cute art pieces! :) Super gorgeous and this one is particularly adorable.
With huge thanks to my terrific betas. I love you! You know who you are :)
Merlin gets hit by a curse meant for Arthur, as a result of which he transforms into a dragon at seemingly random intervals. No-one can work out what causes Merlin to transform into a dragon, let alone what can help him to turn back again. It’s Arthur’s duty to help his hapless manservant to return to his normal self, but it won’t be easy. Not without acknowledging a few things about his own feelings along the way.