Title: Here At The End Of The Universe, You and I
sgmajorshipperRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Arthur/Gwen
Spoilers/Warnings: No spoilers; depictions of a possible apoclyitpy future
Disclaimer: Merlin is by no means mine, I get nothing out of writing except my own satisfaction.
Words: 517
Summary: It had been so long ago, the last time she had seen (heard, felt) him. When things had come and gone and the world had ripped them apart and scattered their remains to the wind.
Author’s notes: Written for the First Mini Challenge over at
ag_fics. The original fic was #9 out of the top ten. Reworked and expanded a bit, but the core still remains. You can read the original at the voting post at the challenge.
She should have known; of all the people to survive the end of the world(after so long; was this really the end?), it would be them, both broken and burned and so far from fine, but somehow still breathing, as per their curse )