Possible Sopilers for episodes 10, 12 &13)

Oct 28, 2010 15:56

Merlin's Keep has posted some possible spoilers/ speculation regarding episodes 10, 12 & 13 HERE

This was taken directly from the website.

cut for spoilers... )

resources: links, news: series 3, news: spoilers

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YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD ella_rose88 October 28 2010, 08:52:46 UTC
I'm assuming then that Arthur fighting Uther in that tournament is in 3x11? I guess this will be the episode where Uther disinherits Arthur and makes Morgana is heir, only for her to ceize control at the end? We'll have to see but that's what it looks like. I wonder when Percival is introduced too... maybe 3x11 since it's the only episode left?

You must be right. It could possibly be the only episode left that we havent had an idea about. It would be too much if Arthur/ Uther were fighting in episode 12 or 13. Though they might do that. Yes, I wonder if they will introduce Percy early before the others appear (eg: Lancelot, Gwaine and Elyan). I also wonder if Elyan will be in episodes 12 and 13 (since he's suppose to be in 3 episodes) or will he appear in episode 11.

That'll teach him for favouring one child over another.

THIS!~~OMFG this sooo much. If Uther knew what danager he has put his only son in, he will kill himself.

I fear it maybe curtains for Uther. If he is still alive when Morgana is made queen then that should also mean that he will be disposed off pretty quickly. I have to say though my mind has gone to a dark place with that idea, it really had. I'm thinking in all likelihood this will be the monster or attack that Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, Gwaine, Elyan and Leon are running from in that footage we saw of them in the woods.

so do you think that Uther will be killed, or just forced to leave Camelot. I really don't like this idea because I thought they were going to end the seires with Arthur becoming King and not earlier. It makes me wonder what they will do with A/G and the triangle.

So maybe the round table is already inside the ruins and Arthur/Gwen think "Oooo this is a good idea!" and Merlin's like, "Yeah, totes! We should totally keep this in mind." I wonder when Lancelot pops up, though. Maybe at the end of 3x12 because we don't see him a second before that, do we? That or maybe he pops up at the very start of 3x13?

THIS totally.

I wonder how they will introduce Lancelot returning. I have a feeling that he will either appear at the end of episode 12 or beginning of episode 13.

I love how they've added, "...and a stable boy." at the end. Cute!

I know. I noticed that.

LOL you didn't comment about Merlin, Arthur and Gwen standing by the Round Table. I wonder if Gwen will be wearing that dress we saw in those spoiler pics inside the council room.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD scarlettpeony October 28 2010, 09:05:16 UTC
so do you think that Uther will be killed, or just forced to leave Camelot. I really don't like this idea because I thought they were going to end the seires with Arthur becoming King and not earlier. It makes me wonder what they will do with A/G and the triangle.

We know that one of the depatures from the show will be forever and the most logical person is Uther. Frankly I'm surprised he's still alive to see Morgana become Queen. I do think that they're going to kill him. I have to say though I think I went to a dark place where I said maybe the Boy!OT3 (That is Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine) witness the execution or the offing of Uther. Either way I suspect this might tie into the scene we saw from BBC footage of Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine running back to Gwen, Leon, Elyan and Gaius before the gang speed off again. I thought it might be a monster but it's probably Morgana's men.

What's the point in thinking about the triangle right now? It doesn't matter. I have faith the show will know the right thing to do. If they do something that displeases me with Arthur/Gwen it would be enough to stop me watching. I just don't feel like speculating what little details mean for the stupid triangle. Capps always calls Lancelot a spanner so why should I care what his character does? He's never done anything other than stalk Gwen. Maybe he'll actually do something vaguely interesting in this finale...

LOL you didn't comment about Merlin, Arthur and Gwen standing by the Round Table. I wonder if Gwen will be wearing that dress we saw in those spoiler pics inside the council room.
I don't see why not although from the way the spoilers are listed I'm guessing the Round Table is in the ruins.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD ella_rose88 October 28 2010, 09:14:09 UTC
We know that one of the depatures from the show will be forever and the most logical person is Uther. Frankly I'm surprised he's still alive to see Morgana become Queen. I do think that they're going to kill him. I have to say though I think I went to a dark place where I said maybe the Boy!OT3 (That is Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine) witness the execution or the offing of Uther. Either way I suspect this might tie into the scene we saw from BBC footage of Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine running back to Gwen, Leon, Elyan and Gaius before the gang speed off again. I thought it might be a monster but it's probably Morgana's men.

Yeah, I just guess that I'm really suprised if they decide to kill off Uther this soon, because I didn't think they would do that this soon. I had always thought that they would have Arthur becoming King near the end of the whole series (like in series 5, since they appear to want to do 5 seires). It makes me wonder whether they will reclaim Camelot from Morgana at the end of series 3 or whether they will continue this in seires 4.

What's the point in thinking about the triangle right now? It doesn't matter. I have faith the show will know the right thing to do. If they do something that displeases me with Arthur/Gwen it would be enough to stop me watching. I just don't feel like speculating what little details mean for the stupid triangle. Capps always calls Lancelot a spanner so why should I care what his character does? He's never done anything other than stalk Gwen. Maybe he'll actually do something vaguely interesting in this finale...

Ypu're right, as always. I think it was just a recent Angel interview where she said that when it comes to Arthur and Gwen, Lancelot will always be a threat. I was kind of hoping that they would ressolve the traingle sooner rather than later. But from what Angel said this time around Lancelot hasn't come back to come between A/G. I just think that by the way that Capps talk about it its more of A/G + L not a/G/L because quite frankly Lancelot is never really around to be a real threat. I think that Gwen just has unressolved feelings for Lancelot that I hope that they ressolve. On the iother hand, with Arthur Gwen is clear with her feelings.

I don't see why not although from the way the spoilers are listed I'm guessing the Round Table is in the ruins.

LOL What ruins?


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD vaberella October 28 2010, 14:43:44 UTC
Unresolved....I figured that the kiss in public in the finale should tell Lancelot---it might be best to back off Guin and I figured it was Guin's way of saying---I love this one. Not you.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD scarlettpeony October 29 2010, 10:41:10 UTC
I figured that the kiss in public in the finale should tell Lancelot

I agree that should tell him loud and clear. But will it? This is Lancelot's we're talking about. He'll probably either die or get shipped off with Elena in the end, though.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD vaberella October 29 2010, 22:10:47 UTC
Probably. He is very emo and her happy go sort of lucky nature would be good for me.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD ella_rose88 October 28 2010, 09:17:11 UTC
LOL I just re-read and I now know what ruins you are talking about hehe. Seriously I need to get off the computer. I've had a long day and am tired.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD vaberella October 28 2010, 14:41:51 UTC
Might I ask what BBC footage? Who's Capps and what's a spanner? What sort of language are you speaking?! ^_^ That's true..Lancelot is scary freaky stalker. I don't think he'll do anything vaguely interesting....mainly because we have ripped Percival, Arthur's shoulders and potential sweatiness, Sir Leon's epic coolness, and Elyan's lips----not to mention 100% Gwaine.

I think the writers set Lancelot up for failure against those guys. Seriously. So far the only thing looking good for him his hair cut in S2 which I still hope he has. I could not stand that guys hair in S1. It was so damned distracting.

What spoiler pics in a council room?! What are you guys talking about...mind hooking me up---anyone.

Hahaha...the round table is broken? Too bad. Termites are bitch.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD scarlettpeony October 29 2010, 10:37:12 UTC
Look down the 'news: spoilers' tag like I told you and you'll find it eventually. I don't think you can view the footage unless you're in the UK but I remember someone took stills of the scene in the comments for that thread. Same for the great hall spoilers. However those spoilers of Gwen in the pretty dress almost certainly are Morgana's dream in 3x10.

Johnny Capps is one of the producers for Merlin and has said in several interviews that Lancelot is a spanner in the works for Arthur/Gwen but that A/G were the ultimate goal and he wanted the audience to route for them to get together, and other stuff. He also said pretty much said in Secrets and Magic last year that Lancelot was the rebound guy, that Gwen fell for him because she couldn't have Arthur.

Capps always refers to Lancelot as the spanner. If you don't speak English, particularly British English, you probably won't know what we mean. It comes from an English saying, 'Put a spanner in the works' which means to deliberately cause trouble. When we say that someone is a spanner, we mean they have a habit of causing trouble to other people's lives. Therefore Lancelot is the Spanner in Arthur/Gwen's relationship.

By 'ruins' I mean like building ruins, not ruined (broken). The spoilers above say A/G/M and company take refuge in what look like ruins. I was speculating that the table might be found in there seeing as I don't see Arthur building a table yet.

PS: I can tell you Tom Hooper is pretty ripped. You won't be disappointed. ;)


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD vaberella October 29 2010, 22:17:28 UTC
okay. So it's been confirmed from the get-go that it's A/G. Okay, if it's the producers pushing it and even the couple is now getting the recognition and definitely the kudos it deserves from reviewers and critics. I say it's set in motion. No wonder you're not concerned. Had I known this I would have been in your shoes.

As for Cappos, I'll look around for his interview on youtube. The pics you're talking about, are they the pics where Guin is wearing that blue dress and Arthur is wearing his crown and uniform but on the cell phone. ^_^ If so, then yes, I've seen it. But as you listed and I figured, it was the dream.

Hah, and they move the round table from there to Camelot. Brilliance. I can't wait to see this go down. I think I know where the next few stories might go and it's basically dealing with Morgana and the building of the NEW round table as well as the King and Queen establishing themselves as the OTP. Good to know.

No wonder you're so calm. If the producer sees Lancelot as such and the way you make it sound he's more of a problem in S2 and is dumped in S3/4/5---well then.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD scarlettpeony October 29 2010, 23:03:06 UTC
I just think if the triangle does become an issue for S4/5 it will eventually work out on Arthur/Gwen's side not least because the producers have hailed it and the fact that the viewers, particularly the children, will always come down on Arthur's side over Lancelot's. I don't see the point is being frightened over this because they have built up A/G so long and so hard (and it is such a strong aseet of the show as far as reviewers are concerned) that they wouldn't throw it away on a recurring character who hasn't really wowed the audience yet.

Yeah -- Lancelot has always been a bit of a, "Goodie - things are going swimmingly for Arthur and Gwen's love but, uh-oh! Lancelot's just turned up to cause a love triangle. Well, damn!" I don't know. I just can't take him seriously.

With respect to those who like him I have always felt the actor portraying Lancelot is very wooden. I am hoping he works this out a little if he appears more in S4/5, especially if he ends up with Elena (which I'm speculating he will if she returns).


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD vaberella October 29 2010, 23:37:44 UTC
You see the thing is. I've been in fandom for decades. I have had producers and writers say one thing and they totally jump the shark the next season. I tend to be a bit more wary. Build up means nothing when writers take liberties.

I'm giving these guys the benefit of the doubt because I do see the build up and as someone---Lancelot is a guest star for a reason and not a main. So that's relevant here.

I agree with you about the actor who plays Lancelot. Lancelot has no soul for me. He's got nothing--you know juicy. HE's barely alive in his lines. or I should say comfortable. And when you compare him to Gwaine and his entrance...well---ugh no comparison.

I wanted Elena with someone like Gwaine...but I can take Lancelot. I felt Elena was too good for Lancelot.

I have a question. Is it true that Nimueh and Mordred make a return in S3? Cause if that's the case then I can totally believe in S4, where the drama will start.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD scarlettpeony October 29 2010, 23:43:07 UTC
I agree Elena is too good for him -- maybe he'll improve a little. In my head I do think though that the most logical ending for Lancelot is for him to be killed off. I'm probably wrong but... I agree that ideally Gwaine is better for Elena. He's just such a wonderful character! :)

No, Mordred and Nimueh aren't in S3. The actor who plays Mordred confirmed he isn't on his Twitter a while back. That said he'll probably be back for S4.


Re: YAY I was waiting for you to comment hehe XD vaberella October 29 2010, 23:59:45 UTC
Ahh, thanks for the confirmation. They might very well come in, in S4.

I do think he was going to die too. He's too emo to live. ^_^ He's very similar to Tristan (well no as cool)/Lancelot in the movie Arthur. He just won't make it to the end for me. But if he does---I can tolerate him with Elena, but yeah Elena and Gwaine....to nice. I can see him flirting--and she flirting right back. Ugh..they'd be a crazy pair.


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