Title: Business and Pleasure
mydoctortennantPairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwen, Tom, Merlin, Morgana, Uther, Lance (one-sided and past Lance/Gwen).
Warnings: I'm a little bit more controlled in my Lance-bashing this time. I was relatively good for me considering I'm normally quite nasty to him.
Disclaimer: Not real. Despite birthday wishes and night time prayers to Santa (all Hail Amy Pond!) Merlin still isn't mine!
Rating: PG13
Summary: Thomas Leodegrance runs a successful chain of everyday stores (think M+S). Arthur Pendragon works under his father for Pendragon Homes and he has a plan. Not a part of his plan is ending up working with Tom's daughter in close proximity. He knows Tom's views on business partners and his daughter... but that doesn't stop Arthur from thinking the things he does...
Author Notes: Written for my Prompt Monster
miki_hime1221 for her wonderful prompt and to
jazzrose343£> for all her alpha and beta work for me. *loves on both*
I should point out I know nothing about business. I made that up and was too lazy to actually check it over with my Dad, but whatever XD Oh and Morgana kinda ended up like Stacey Barett from Drop Dead Diva... so search Stacey on youtube to get why Morgana has taken a random tone in this fic XD
<a href=HERE at my wriitng journal