mara93 Rating: This cycle: PG13-some disturbing elements
Characters: This Cycle: Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, Lancelot, minor others
Spoilers: Seasons 1&2 only
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine
Summary: Camelot_love's 14 days of love. This story uses multiple prompts, posted in three cycle. It moves all the way into the future, has cannon and AU elements.
Author's Notes: The second cycle uses this prompt:
M-8: Quote: "Love is a friend, a fire, a hell,
Where pleasure, pain and repentance dwell."~Richard Barnfield. (prompt credit:
jeyla4ever It will help if you've read the first cycle. Its start can be found
here Purgatory is not quite yet done playing its teasing game
Snaring its victims into its labyrinth of awaiting barbs...