Title: A Rose by Any Other Name, Chapter 5/?
ne_rien Rating: PG14-ish
Word count: This chapter runs at…well I stopped counting once I got to 3,000 words. Claire’s a long winded moo this go-round, m’kay?
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot, & Morgana/Merlin if you squint really hard and stand on your head
Spoilers/Warnings: Modern AU so it’s slightly crack!-tastic. Contains adult language and sexual content. Also, this hasn’t been Brit-picked so please forgive any errors.
Disclaimer: If I owned this show, it would be sexy!times all the time bbs.
camelot_love's Spring Fling prompt U-5: Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, and Merlin all get in their high school spring play "Romeo and Juliet” courtesy of the lovely
wickedvampirate .
Author’s notes: I had a bit of a stall for a while, but then my muse would not let me alone today until I finished this chapter!
Chapter Five is Here...