Title: Can We Keep Him?
Characters/Pairings: Gwen/Arthur, Merlin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 619
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. All I possess is my adoration for it.
Summary: Gwen and Merlin find a baby griffin and have to convince Arthur to let them keep it.
Author’s notes: Written for the
Fluff Fest at
thefuturequeen. The prompt was “Gwen/anyone (where "anyone" preferably is Arthur, Morgana, Merlin or Lancelot) - They find a wee tiny gryphon/basilisk/questing beast/dragon/other mythical beast in the forest. Fluff ensues.” I went with wee tiny griffin, since in my head it was the fluffiest & cutest. D'awwwww.
“Are you two in-sane?” Title: Hot Tub Love Machine
Characters/Pairings: Gwen/Arthur, Morgana
Rating: R
Word Count: 604
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. All I possess is my adoration for it.
Summary: The Pendragons get a hot tub. Shenanigans ensue. Modern AU.
Author’s notes: Written for the
Fluff Fest at
thefuturequeen. The prompt was “Gwen/anyone, HOT TUB. (or hot springs? Modern day or non-modern day is fine)” I loled the first time I saw the prompt. And it just tempted meeeee.
The title for this fic insisted itself upon me. I’m sure you know its ‘inspiration’.
Not Brit-picked. I’d appreciate any Brit-picking suggestions.
Morgana doesn’t know that her best friend and adoptive brother have secretly snogged several times. Title: Gwennie Get Your Gun
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, mentions of Uther; OT4ness, slight Gwen/Arthur
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,013
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. All I possess is my adoration for it.
Summary: Gwen should have known she’d run into trouble as soon as the wanted criminal, Morgana “Le Fay”, walked into her saloon.
Author’s notes: Written for the
Fluff Fest at
thefuturequeen. The prompt was “Gwen is the saloon owner of the wildest bar in the Old West. (Shut up I know Im making them American) The other OT3 are gunslingers. Make it as shippy or as gen as you like. ;D”
threemeows’ prompts were too tempting. How could I not love the idea of our kids in the Wild West? And I found a way to keep them all British while being in America! Is it likely/believable? Who knows.
I also have to also thank
threemeows for the title suggestion when I couldn’t think of anything decent.
Two thoughts occurred to Gwen the moment she saw Morgana “Le Fay” walk into her saloon.