Title: Freefall to Fate - AU Camelot [4/?]
Characters/Pairings: Gwen/Arthur, Lancelot, Uther, OCs (Gwen/Lancelot)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,449
Disclaimer: I obviously don’t own Merlin, because if I did…let’s just say it wouldn’t be a “family” show.
Warnings: some clichés/plot devices, angst, character death.
Summary: Sir Arthur is assigned as Princess Guinevere’s personal protection on the trip to meet her betrothed, Prince Lancelot. And thus began the freefall to fate.
Author’s notes: under the cut at my journal, cuz there are seriously that many.
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3 They barely spoke ten words to each other for the rest of the journey, lapsing them into an even more uncomfortable silence than two days previous.