Title: You are the only exception
mustbethursday3Rating: G
Word count: 4,550ish (I post and edit and write AND IT COUNTS MY ELLIPSES(!), so who knows XD)
Characters/Pairings: Guinevere/Arthur, with a bit of A/G/M Ot3, Guinevere/Lancelot, and Gwen/Morgana bffing thrown in.
Spoilers: None. It's purely random
Summary: Uther's gone, captured by Morgana (or something) and Arthur, Gwen and Merlin are coping fairly well. But then Lancelot makes a return and Gwen makes a choice.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin, I'd have thought that was obvious.
Author's notes: This turned out really vague, even I'm not too sure what's going on @_@. AND I think it's becoming really obvious that I have a THING about this triangle. This is like my third? Forth? Fifth spin at it. Title's from a Paramore song.
Unbeata'd like WHOA, it's a little choppy and quick in places . . . IDK. It's all very frustrating.
Oh and DANGER: I change POV at the drop of a hat, and italics could be the past getting stirred up or thinking.
Propriety, if nothing else should have stopped him from pleading with her, from looking at her so . . . so vehemently that something in her chest stirs, fitful and bewildering . . .