mara93 Rating: For this cycle: PG13/This one has some disturbing elements.
Characters: For this cycle: It will be revealed soon in the story. This cycle is mostly Arthur's point of view.
Spoilers: For season 1& 2 but not beyond. This one continues the AU element strongly.
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin is the property of the BBC/Shine
Summary: Camelot_love’s 14 days of love: The story uses multiple prompts and will be posted in three cycles. It started, semi cannon, went back into the past, and now moves into the future.
Author’s notes: The second cycle uses this prompt:
M-8: Quote: Love is a friend, a fire, a hell,
Where pleasure, pain and repentance dwell. ~ Richard Barnfield (prompt credit:
jeyla4ever )
It will help if you've read the first cycle. Its start can be found
Love is...